Flexible Architectural, Planning and Museum Related Services
Our museum planning & architectural services are tailored to the specific project location, type, size and schedule. Our Teams include museum architects, planners, and museological specialists. We collaborate on projects in a variety of ways, from the overall design team leader to a museum specialist consultant on teams led by others.
VernerJohnson often draws upon our extensive worldwide network of Professionals, including Cost/Economic Consultants, Engineers, Landscape Architects, Specialist Consultants, Exhibit Designers, Lighting Designers, Exhibit Fabricators, and Construction Firms. In the initial planning stages our teams tend to include only the key team members and specialists. As the projects progress, the teams expand as needed to include all of the necessary engineers, consultants and other support staff.
VernerJohnson often provides under one Contract, those required professional services specific to a particular museum project, from its inception through to its completion.

Museum Consulting
VernerJohnson offers full Museum Consulting Services. We assist our Clients in coordinating and implementing complex Museum Projects, continuously from inception to completion.
We offer Complete Planning and Feasibility Services, including:
• Institutional Planning: Mission, Roles & Audience Analysis
• Market Analysis
• Site Analysis and Selection
• Building Facility Programming and Space Planning
• Project Budgets and Detailed Scheduling
• Feasibility Analysis
• Operational Planning: Staffing, Operating Revenues/Expenses
• Conceptual Building Designs and Fundraising Images
• Conceptual Exhibit Designs and Fundraising Images

Comprehensive Architectural and Engineering Services
VernerJohnson leads and coordinates the full design team to provide all Architectural and Engineering services. These teams often include:
• Architectural Team (often in collaboration with a Local Architect) to provide all Design and Documentation.
• Landscape and Engineering Team to provide all Design and Documentation.
• Supplemental Museum Specialist Consultants: Lighting, Acoustics, Code, Security, Building Envelope, Telecom/Data, etc.
VernerJohnson is committed to developing solutions that are both low maintenance and sustainable in the long term. Our staff includes LEED Accredited Professionals.

Exhibit Design
VernerJohnson provides exhibit design services and also subcontracts with the best Exhibit Designers worldwide to provide the optimal experts for your project.
• Project Coordination of full Team of Exhibit Designers, Researchers, Writers, Media Specialists, Scientists, Historians, Curators and Others as required (under VernerJohnson’s Contract).
• Full and complete integration of Exhibit Design with Building and Site Designs (from Concepts through Final Detailing).
Exhibit Fabrication and Installation
VernerJohnson offers full Exhibit Fabrication & Installation Services in collaboration with the leading firm in this field, kubik maltbie. kubik maltbie has been producing extraordinary experiences for museums, visitor centers, and specialty projects throughout North America and internationally for over 50 years.